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Desire Code reviews

"'Create a great experience.' Sure. Do it. 'Get close to your customer.' Sure. Do it. 'Turn customers into fans.' Absolutely! What's missing: how to do these critical things. Well, now we have the best answer anyone has provided so far."
Tom Peters, Best-selling business author

"Denise and her thoughtful narrative have opened my eyes to this insanely valuable model for innovating the human experience."
Dr Tom Waller, Chief Science Officer, lululemon

"Denise Hampson is one of those rare people who has the ability to inform and inspire at the same time."
Mike Farrar CBE

"Probably the most beautiful book that I've ever held in my hands."
Michael G Bartlett

"It is unlikely you will ever look at your customers in the same way again."
Paul Frost

"I've never seen such an engaging and beautiful book that was also incredibly insightful."
Janelle Aaker

"It's a great read. It's a great combination of service deisgn and behavioural economics, delivered in an easy-to-follow and engaging way."
Carolyne Mitchell

"I read a lot. However, rarely have I described a book as 'gorgeous' - not just in look and feel but also in content - as this one."
Anonymous Amazon reviewer

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